Pobyty wellness
UZDROWISKO TERMALNE Velké Losiny jest wspaniałym miejscem na pobyt wellness. W uzdrowisku zatroszczą się nie tylko o Wasze ciało, ale również o Waszego ducha. W uzdrowisku pomagamy pacjentom z różnymi zdrowotnymi problemami. Ale pomagamy nie tylko chorym, nasze uzdrowisko to idealne miejsce do relaksu i wypoczynku.

Sleep and relax
Accommodation for 2 - 7 nights, half board, credit 10 EUR/day for treatments, free entry to the wellness center.
Do you want to relax and want to choose the treatments yourself? We have prepared a relaxing stay, which you create according to your taste. Experience a new treatment every day and enjoy relaxing at Wellness Hotel DIANA Velké Losiny.

Leave it to us
Accommodation for 2 - 7 nights, half board, 3 - 5 treatments, free entry to the wellness center.
Leave it to us and do not worry. Relaxation stay with predetermined treatments. Have a rest in Wellness Hotel DIANA in the foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains.

Try out cure
Accommodation for 7 nights, full board, credit 147 EUR for medical consultation and spa treatments, including entry to the indoor thermal pool.
Try a stay at the spa and find out that the healing power of a clean natural resource will help you more than chemistry. Health is to prevent and strengthen immunity. Only your own experience will help you uncover the secret of true relaxation in the THERMAL SPA of Velké Losiny.
from 613 EUR / 7 Nights / prs.